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Biaromatics Research Center Collaboration Visit With Hoga Gaharu Tea Valley

6/03/2023 | The Bioaromatic Research Centre in collaboration with UMP Holdings has visited the HOGA Gaharu Tea Valley area, this visit involves representatives from the Bioaromatic Research Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saiful Nizam Tajuddin (Director of BioAromatic Research Centre) and Mohamad Farhan Sayuti (Technical Assistant), while the representative from UMP Holdings are Mr. Kamaludin Latifi Ghazali (UMP Technology advisor) and Mrs. Rofiza Mansor (Senior Executive, Business Development).

The purpose of this visit is to discuss how to establish a relationship between the BioAromatic Research Centre and HOGA Agarwood Tea Valley through joint efforts in advancing the agarwood industry.

HOGA Gaharu Tea Valley has started since 1992, at the initial stage the founder of Hoga planted 200 seeds on an area of ​​300 acres of land, now the number of agarwood trees has reached hundreds of thousands, the recipe passed down through generations has been used by the new generation to produce highly nutritious agarwood tea. Therefore it is not surprising that HOGA Gaharu has been listed in the "Malaysia Book of Records" as the 1st organic plantation in Malaysia.